I'm on the latest Four Four Two Podcast.
Where next for the A-League? Do we expand? Promote/relegate? Both? Neither? The team tackles the big issue explored in depth in the new issue of FourFourTwo magazine.
New @FourFourTwoOz mag on sale now! Features my story on the A-League: Expansion vs Pro/Rel. Do we go UP or DOWN?
I speak to NPL clubs Sydney Olympic, Melbourne Knights and South Melbourne about their A-League aspirations.
Also are Geelong, Canberra, Wollongong, North Queensland and Ipswich potential expanson teams?
Is South Sydney another potential Derby in waiting?
What does the FFA say? Get the latest issue of the Four Four Two mag to learn more.
Latest Episode of the A-League Snobcast for March 2016 Out Now!
The latest A-League Snobcast w/ Rob Toddler is out now! Brisbane back on top, Sydney show fight in the relegation battle while Arnold uses the Chewbacca defence, Matildas go off ...to Rio, FFA Cup, Socceroos latest transfer signing and Western Sydney - They might be Giants?